There is no message, which flows truly from the Throne of Grace which is not centralized on Jesus; likewise the pages of Scripture, they talk solely upon the Savior. The Heavens are about Him, the angels, and all only can but sing His praise, the earth is filled with His beauty and everything around can only portray Jesus. Even the Spirit of God testifies of nothing else except Jesus. He is the main and central figure in all that ever existed and ever to exist. This means that EVERYTHING possessed without Jesus is not genuine. A life without Jesus is a life of vanity, it is vain, useless and of no meaning. What makes a man’s life meaningful is the life of Christ.
John 6:24-29; First verse 24 says “…when they saw that Jesus wasn’t there…” when these people saw that Jesus was not amongst them, that He wasn’t in their families and homes, that He wasn’t in their compounds and streets, that He wasn’t in their business places, that He wasn’t in their lives, they didn’t stay put in their ways, they didn’t just sit around without caring, instead, they went after Him. They took ships and sought after Jesus till they found Him. What about you? Is Jesus still there? These people weren’t satisfied to just stay without Him. Though I know, that their reason weren’t right and that their motives and intentions were wrong, yet I will commend them for their resilience, their spirit, and their desire to pursue. I may not know how long it took them to find Him, it might have been several weeks, some days, few hours or more, yet they pursued just to find Jesus. They had resolved that until he was found, they would not stop seeking, though it may take them time. The time we are in now, is one in which Jesus must be pursued. If you are living without Him at this hour, then you are yet to start living. We need Jesus today. What our nation and society needs at this time is Jesus, no one else. We need Him in our daily lives, in our businesses, in our social lives and in our daily choices. Everything of us must flow from Every of Him.
Then in verse 25, these people found Him; but they had other ulterior motives. They didn’t seek after him for salvation, sanctification or restitution, neither reconciliation with the Father. Then why did they seek? It is because they sought after the bread which He alone could provide freely for them. Majority of the people who go to church do so because they desire to get pleasurable things out of Him. They aren’t searching for Him because they want to repent of their sins, and so these ones when told about salvation, refuse to take heed, for their heart is stayed on physical prosperity. They are after the blessings of this world, the glories and praises of the earth, not for the Kingdom and its righteousness. They desire to be made rich and wealthy, desire to marry and have kids, desire to get all they can, neglecting Christ and all He is.
And in verse 26-27, Jesus said, “… Ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled.” This shows that by the time they found Him, Jesus already knew that for such a reason as getting the bread which He could provide, that was the reason they had come. And He advised that they labor not for that meat which perishes, but for spoke which continues even till eternity. Labor not for the things present in the world which will not last till eternity, they are worthless, especially when not gotten through Christ. And man is good at this! We labor solely for the gain of getting more out of life and not getting to know Christ.
And then in verse 28, These multitudes which weren’t desirous of Jesus before, now upon hearing his words, asked Him, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” Remember that these people weren’t even resolved to repent of their sins. It was obvious that what they now cared for was the work they could do for the Lord. They weren’t prepared to be saved, or be reconciled with their neighbors, instead they were interested in working for the Lord in spite of their sins. Isn’t this what we see in our Churches today? Man no longer want to be reconciled to the Savior, yet they want to work for Him. People come to Church with desires to join various departments and units without first repenting from sin. And some Churches sadly don’t care for the souls of their workers. They make anyone with the gift or special ability, part of the crew of men working for God in His vineyard; a chorister or choir instructor, a worker, an usher or administrator; a minister without a salvation experience is yet to be fit for the work of Christ. The first and most important thing before God is the repentance and conversion of the soul, for then and only then will you be fit to work for God. Your work for God, no matter how cumbersome and laborious, is useless before Him if done in sin. And I ask you; ‘Does God know you?’ You may be a worker or pastor with a congregation, but without first being born again, you cannot live a meaningful life. You may have known Christ before, but now are lost, Christ doesn’t recognize your work. God has to accept your personality before your sacrifice; and this can only be possible when you have a relationship with Christ. You must understand that when your personality displeases Him, then even your work will be unpleasant. What men today are clamoring for is posts and positions before God and men, without care for their heart’s condition, and it is for such reasons that we find choristers, pastors, who have no love for Christ.
You must come to a point wherein you can boldly say, ‘I know that my name is in the book of Life’, without your conscience condemning or convicting you. A life without Jesus is vain, useless and worthless. There exists no true prosperity, no true peace and no true joy without Jesus. The world may be prospering, but no TRUE prosperity can be seen without Jesus. Christianity is not a religion; it is having a TRUE RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST. You must pursue intimacy with Christ.
In the Book of Revelation in Chapter 3(verse 14-18), the very last Church spoken of was the Church of the Laodiceans. They represent the present day Church who is ‘lukewarm’. They are those between two opinions and yet to make a choice; they want to combine spirituality and carnality together. They want to be part of both the Church and the world at the same time but what they don’t know is that the Church and the world cannot be joined for they exist in parallels. We live in a time when people climb the pulpit to preach, teach, and sing or even to do anything, yet they have immorality in their hearts. They want to show that they are spiritual, whereas sin lies in their hearts. They are members of the Church, yet lovers of the world. And Jesus, when He came, He told this Church, “You are lukewarm, and I would that thou were either cold or hot!” The question is, “Why would Jesus desire that a person be cold?... be an unbeliever?” It is because it would be easier to tell a sinner to repent, than to tell a supposed Christian to return to Christ. It is difficult to tell a person who has claimed to belong to Christ, that he is still in darkness, than to tell a sinner, adulterer, fornicator, who doesn’t hide his sin. When Jesus spoke of this Church, He made it clear that they were a ‘talking Church’, yet when He spoke of the other Churches, this attribute wasn’t there. This Church spoke highly of themselves; they were proud. They must have compared themselves with other Churches present in that Asia Minor, and concluded that they were better. And so they concluded they were now in need of nothing. Imagine, that a man comes to a point wherein he says that he no longer have need of the Holy Ghost, no need of attending Church, no need of Heavens help, no need of night vigils and spiritual banqueting before God, in fellowship with other brethren… that is HEAVENLY VANITY. They claimed to see, claimed to have it all, claim to be rich and well provided for, yet Heaven calls them poor, wretched, blind and hopeless. You may be a bright student, a renowned lawyer, a well celebrated businessman and so on, yet without Jesus, you are naked, and poor. Imagine that!
How do you know a Holy Church? It is that which promotes the Gospel of Jesus and holds high the banner of holiness. It matters not if they be well financed or financially buoyant; what matters is that they are willing to pursue Jesus for the right reasons. The Church may be rich, but what matters is that their pursuit for holiness is real. Whereas any Church, whether rich or poor, which pursues not holiness, is yet to be a part of the Church (and Body) of Christ. Now how do we know a person who truly is a Christian? It is he who runs away from sin; he hates it. Such a person refuses to sin, being desirous alone of the life of Christ.
Jesus advised us that we buy of Him gold (good character, peace, joy, faith, true prosperity) tried with fire. Revelation 3:18. This gold makes us rich, and well clothed, anointing our eyes that we may see. And in Isaiah 55:1-2, the Lord says, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” The Lord doesn’t condemn any man, but instead advises that all come willingly to buy His gold without money. He calls all men to buy of Him wine and milk without money and without wine; they are free. That which the Lord offers is free and requires no payment, He is giving that which will make us delight our souls in fatness and is saying, “It is free!” Many ask why it is that we preach just about Jesus, when other sermons with topics like ‘prosperity’ could still be preached. It is because when one has the Lord, he has all others, lacking nothing. With Him, we can be assured of wealth, prosperity, healing, riches and more.
We must understand that a life without Christ is lived in vanity and futility. You won’t know what true joy, peace and happiness is without first knowing Christ. Without first coming to Christ, you can’t get that which He desires to give you. He is saying, “Come… Come all to the waters and drink.” “Come and get your salvation, sanctification, justification, joy, peace, promotion, security… all free.” He is saying that all come to Him. Your relationship with Christ ought not to be stale, it ought not to be a forgotten matter. Your salvation ought not to be a thing of history and your fellowship with the Holy Spirit ought to be a thing of freshness. You ought not to continually live in sin and still be at peace within yourself, run to the Savior for help, He’s willing to save! He’s the One asking that we come, and He’s doing so without condemnation. Come just as you are (hiding nothing) and He would help you.
Pst Meletus omada A life without Jesus is useless