The Kingdom of God is not only in word, but even in Power. The word of God always has a divine backup -Power- which manifests tangible results.In Genesis 1:2, we discovered that after the Lord spoke the Word, Power made it manifest. This is the power that saves sinners, delivers the captives, repairs marriages, etc.; and every creature is subject to it. King Nebuchadnezzar testified of this powerafter he had been turned into a beast and made tolive in the wild for seven years. Apostle Paul, in hiswriting to the Corinthian Church, tried to explain tothem that the Kingdom of God is not only in word(not in mere letters because letters kill), neither is itin creed or mere doctrines, but in the 'Spirit activated Word of God' that produces life. This is the word that works miracles, wonders and recreation. It is the Gospel's evidence. It has the ability to bring dead things to life. The flesh, in its strength, ever profits nothing because it is but dust. When at first man was created from dust, he was yet to be made a living being, because of the absence of life. It was when the Lord breathed into man [the Breath of Life] that he became a living being. It takes the Spirit of Life to give True Life. The devil does not have the true life to give any man; the world cannot offer man true life and neither can money give true life. It's not everything silver and gold cannot acquire. The man at the Beautiful Gate daily sought for alms, but never got healed. Everyday he received silver and gold, but still couldn't walk till he encountered Peter and John, who spoke the Word (backed by the Spirit),and life came into his bones. There is nothingbeyond the help of the Spirit of God: no situation He cannot handle and no one He cannot help. Mary never knew the Power behind the Word of God till an angel brought the goodness of the Lord to her. And when she enquired how all those glad tidings could be made manifest, the angel pronounced it would be by the overshadowing of the Spirit of God - Luke 1:26-35. And in Acts 1:8, Jesus charged His disciples to wait upon the Power (Spirit) of God which would make them witnesses of God's Life. When they got empowered by the Spirit, He activated their lives through faith. The lame man could not understand Peter's kind of faith, Peter had to help him out. Faith has nothing to do with the past or future. It is Now. The Kingdom of God is based on Now. Your preparation for it has nothing to do with what you have been doing, or what you will do, but in your preparations Now. Faith is an active work of Godwhich brings about results. It is never on reverse.When it encounters any challenge, it dissolves it. Itis ever forward and has the ability to create. God already had created the world in His mind before He began to speak Words backed with Life. Faith is a substance. It's not completely real. But when activated by the Spirit of Life, it brings about evidences. Hebrews 11:1-3, 6. This shows that you and I can create the kind of life we desire in our minds (according to God's will) and trust in the Lord for their manifestation. If the Spirit of Lifelives inside of you, you have this Power of the Kingdom. It is the Power of the Church/truebelievers.
But, for you to enjoy this supernatural Power, these three P's are important;
1. Persistent/Passionate Pursuit of God
Genesis 5:22
Enoch WALKED with God. Wherever the Lord led, he followed. Wherever He stopped, he stopped. He refused to be distracted or influenced by others. He pursued Him. This man had a wife and severalchildren: yet he involved God in everything he did. And when their fellowship became so close, the Lord had to take him away. Another man, Abraham answered the call of the Lord for a walk, and began to follow. Day by day he pursued God till his wife,Sarah, suggested and caused him to go into Hagar. When this was done, God left him for sometime. But when He came back, He desired a better/sincere walk with him. Moses had a hunger to see and hear the Lord so much that he pursued Him with all his heart. He wasn't satisfied with all that the Lord had shown or revealed to him, so he pressed for more. He cried to see God's glory. And the Lord had to reveal His back parts to him because He knew that no man could see Him and live. When He placed him on the Rock and showed him His back parts, Moses' life was further transformed, and when he came down from that mount, his face shone like those of angels - Exodus33:13-23. His pursuit of God must have opened him up to the revelation of the beginning of all things, so much so that he wrote the Books of Genesis and early parts of Exodus through revelation. Elijah was another man who pursued the Lord. He followed Him till he was translated.But before this translation, he anointed another man in his stead: a man who refused every distraction and followed so close. And when Elijah told him that the Lord had sent him on an errand, Elisha persistently followed Elijah for a double portion of Power. This wasn't something Elijah could afford, so he charged him to follow him, for if he could see him leave, he would receive that which he desired. At this, Elisha followed him so closely till he was taken and he received a double portion of his mantle/anointing. When you follow the Lord closely, holding unto Him daily, you will get the supernatural power. When you begin to follow Him step by step, giving no room or gap between you both, the appetite for sin will die and your desire for righteousness will increase.Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are they which dohunger and thirst after righteousness: for they would be filled."
2. Persistent Prayer
Acts 12:5, Luke 18:1-8
When James was held by Herod, the Church did nothing to ensure his release; thus, he was killed. But when Peter was held in prison, [knowing that they had lost James for that same course] theChurch prayed earnestly till he was released. Jesus(during His earthly ministry) charged His disciplesalways to pray, telling them the story of that widow whose inheritance was taken by her adversaries and she sought the judge to avenge her. Though for sometime he refused, especially because he neitherfeared God nor man, yet because he didn't want her to weary him anymore, he answered her requests. God is able to answer us more speedily if only we consistently and persistently press for answers to our prayers. King Solomon prayed to the Lord fromhis heart and the entire Temple was filled with God's glory. Persistent prayer brings down God's glory. 2 Chronicles 7:1-5.
3. Powerful Praise
Acts 16:25-26; Joshua 6:1-5
This kind of praise has no form of carnality in it. Reading the Bible, we see that powerful praiseswere rendered [to God] by men filled with the Spirit, and operating in supernatural power. Paul and Silas, locked in a prison and bound hands and feet, sang to the Lord from the utmost of their beings and brought about the supernatural. Joshuaand the Israelites came to Jericho, and found no way possible to bring down its walls. But when the Lord appeared to Him, He asked Joshua to gatherthe Israelites for a silent march around the walls of Jericho, shouting only on the seventh day (at the blasting of the ram's horns and blowing of the trumpets). This action was in praise to the Lordwho had given them victory over the inhabitants of Jericho. You know, apart from praise and prayer, every other sacrifice we offer to the Lord is for ouruse. Praise and prayer out of a sincere heart can Healone fully receive.
A man of passionate pursuit of the Lord, persistent prayers and powerful praise will operate in the Supernatural.
Pst Ig Nwabuo The Kingdom of God is not only in words but also in power